Get your taxes prepared without an out of pocket expense!

Come by our office!

J & E Tax Service is happy to provide a comprehensive list of services to help our customers have a more pleasant preparation service that is convenient. We provide FREE estimates and affordable tax preparation services to all our customers. Our tax preparers will provide you the maximum level of professional service that you deserve. Our fees can be directly taken out of your refund so you don't pay any out of pocket expense. We provide one-on-one support, and make sure we address every need of your personal or business tax returns. 

Make your appointment today. Walk-ins are always welcome as well.


Get A FREE Estimate

967 Marina Blvd.

Maximize Your Tax Return

Wed. 10am – 5pm

Off Season Hours of Operation

Mail In

If you would rather mail than scan – this option is perfect for you. Send it certified with signature upon delivery. We don’t want your documents getting lost! Please add your contact information as the cover sheet. Include return address, phone number, name and best time to call.


Simply Download and print our check list – complete it, gather your documents, scan them and email them to us. We will email you a confirmation and when your return is ready, you will receive an email notification. Be sure to include your phone number.

Drop Off

Simply come into our office during office hours and hand your paperwork to the receptionist. Make sure you have all your documents in hand and we will prepare your taxes in between our appointments. Once your return is completed, we will contact you!